Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Camera

Ok, I finally did it. I got, well ordered, a new camera. Problem is, I waited so damn long to make up my mind that Costco doesn't have the one I want in their version D60 is out, and in stores now :-( I ordered the Nikon D40, w/2 lens. I want it in time for my mother's 70th birthday party on July 19, and it's going to be close. 10 to 15 days for delivery. I've decided I'm going to get it w/in the 10 days, NOT 15 :-) So send your speedy delivery thoughts and intentions out into the universe for me :-)

I need a few days, at least, to figure out how to use the darn thing. Procrastination! Arrrrrgggggg!

I'll keep you posted.


Satarupa said...

Can't wait to see the photos from this new gizmo!!

Laura said...

I can't believe I finally made up my mind and bought the damn thing. I hope I can figure out how to use it well, before my mom's b-day party. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed that I like the thing :-)