I'd like you to meet Tiger.
A cat who used up one of his lives today. I came home after work, to find him stuck under my neighbors garage door. Just sitting there, with the front part of his body reclining on the driveway, and the back half, hidden inside the garage. I'd gotten out of my car and happen to glance, for whatever reason, to my neighbors house. A lot of cats hang out over there, cuz my neighbors feed a lot of the feral cats in our neighborhood, and I saw Tiger handing out. Something stuck me as odd about the way he was laying. It just didn't look right. So, being the busy-body that I am, I went over to see what was up. HOLY CRAP! The garage door was all the way down on the ground and piercing Tiger's body in half. Of course I couldn't life the door up. I ran to my neighbors front door and started pounding on it. Pounding, and pounding, but no answer. What the hell was I going to do???? How was I going to get Tiger out??? Why weren't my damn neighbors home?? As I ran back across the street to my house, my neighbors came out of their house. The poor people :-), I yelled at them "OPEN YOUR GARAGE DOOR"!!! About 3 times. They must have thought I was bleeping crazy! :-) They didn't know what was going on, and they open their door to a mad-woman yelling at them to do something that didn't make sense to them.
We got to Tiger and his back legs weren't working, so we bundled him up, put him in one of my laundry basket and off to the vet my neighbor and I went. We got there 5 minutes before they closed, took some x-rays and got lucky. There was no damage to his spine, or pelvic bone. The vet said he should be up in walking in a few days, after some needed rest and inactivity.
Tiger is a very friendly cat. He visits my backyard to "share" my outdoor kitty's food all the time. It was because of him that I started putting out 2 bowls of food, so my outdoor cat, Ginger, and Tiger could eat at the same time. Tiger seemed to have figured out my feeding patterns."-) Both my neighbor and I were sooooooooooooooooooo relieved that he was going to make, we gave each other a big hug in the vet's examination room. The feeling of relief and joy was huge....thank god I don't have kids, far to intense emotions there.
Tiger is now convalescing at my neighbors house, and ms thinkm he may not be coming over to "share" my cat food much anymore. I'm not sure my neighbors are ever going to let him out of the house again. We'll see what happens in a couple weeks. I know they're worried about him getting injured again. He's been in a few fights and such, but he's an outdoor cat, and these things happen. I'm not sure he'll be content to live indoors. But that's for another time. Now, our Tiger is getting lots of love and attention and hopefully will be as good as new in the very near future :-)
I'll keep you posted. I just hope he has a number of lives left to live :-)
Tiger is a cutie - sure hope he makes it! Keep us posted on his progress!
As it happens, I just went over and talked w/Tiger's parents, and he's doing very well. He's up and walking, but still sore to the touch. I even got to visit w/him and he looks great! But....he will now be an indoor kitty :-)
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