Well, I'm back to work. It hasn't been that bad. I did have a long conversation this morning that strained my throat, but other than that, it's been a nice, light day....so far : -)
My nephew created a blog to update all of us about his new life in college, down in San Diego, and maybe more importantly to keep us off his myspace/facebook page, but he hasn't updated the damn thing in a month! I just sent him an email threatening to send all adults to his other sites, if he doesn't damn well update the thing. He's found a place to live....finally. Rumor has it, it's a 4 bedroom house. He and his friend, Austin are living there, and they say they want female roommates. Noooooooo, not for that reason, because they say girls are neater and more responsible than guys. They probably have a point there. No roommates yet.
Having him go away to college is bringing back a lot of fun college memories. Damn I loved college! Can I go back? Do you think my parents will still pay my tuition? Yeah, right!
TV: ok, I want to talk.....bitch about Heroes. For me, it's getting too fractured. Too many story lines all going on at once, but not enough overlap. I don't really like the new characters. Ok, remember the Level 5 bad guys? Why did they even keep them alive if they're so bad? Kill them! You have complete power. Kill them! Now, they're all out, and Sylar is going to get all their powers. Dip-wads! And what about Sylar? Do they really think they can "work" with him? Peter's mother is CRAZY! Speaking of Peter, I want more Peter. I like two Peters! Claire is bugging the crap out of me. Whine, whine, whine. Ok, so she got her skull lazered open, and she is only 17, but shut the f-up! We've got big issues going on here. I will say this, Peter could have told her a little bit, given her a hug, asked her to trust him and given her a few hints as to what was going on with the whole, time travel, the future has changed thing.
I think they could...should take these people off the show: Niki (yeah, she's one hot woman, but boring story line), also her son. Off the show! And the cop character. The one on his spirit walk in Africa. Gone! The woman who, when she gets mad, her eyes turn black and people start dropping like flies...look in the mirror babe, and kill yourself. Off the show! i like the cute scientist, but not the fact that he took the formula to give himself special powers! Especially the way it happened. Wouldn't a scientist want to take the formula in a controlled environment, with a video camera rolling? I still want him on the show....because he's cute, but even last season I thought they were making his character too stupid, for a the smart guy he's suppose to be.
Love Hiro and his friend! More Hiro and friend, Peter, Peter's brother, and mom, and I guess we have to keep Sylar, because he's so great to hate. I like Claire's dad.....who else? I know it sounds as if I only have complaints about the show, and maybe at best it's 50/50, but I still like the show. I like the changing the future story line. I guess my main negative critique is that there are too many characters now, w/too many story lines. Not that it's confusing, but I'd like to see them cut the characters down by 1/3 and then develop the remaining story lines to a greater extent, and I liked it in the old days, when the characters overlapped w/each other. I liked the interaction between the original heroes. Ok, enough bitching from me...for today. :-) I must be getting back to normal if I've got enough energy to rant and rave about a make believe tv program :-)
*NOTE: This blog is nearly at its end as the 5 GB free space is 88% full.
Which at the time I run out of space on this blog, I will most likely begin
a b...
12 years ago
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