Well, going through a box of kleenex a day would be a start. Not being able to breath is another. Sneezing in double digits a day. A Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer nose in the mirror. Driving the speed limit or below (I always drive slow when I don't feel well). Spending time and money in the drug section of my local grocery store: Delsym, Mucinex, Advil Cold & Sinus, and throat logenzers I can't remember the name of. Note to self, invest in cold medicine stocks...there is no cure and there will always be colds. Oh and....I went to Blockbuster (even when I've got 3 Netflix movies, but they're the last season of the Wire, and that's too intense and may require more concentration than I'm able to give right now), anyway, back to Blockbuster, I rented 5, count them 5 movies! Hey, I ain't going anywhere this weekend :-) Here is my list of DVD's:
The Bank Job
Definitely, Maybe
Catch and Release
August Rush
Jessie James
I'll let you know how I like each. I also have the second hour of the new Grey's Anatomy season opener to watch. I had to stop right when the icicles falls into Christina's torso.
That's it for today. Send clear and open sinus thoughts my way. I'm going to try and post some pictures from my Dave Matthews concerts, trip to San Diego and San Francisco Chihuly show.
*NOTE: This blog is nearly at its end as the 5 GB free space is 88% full.
Which at the time I run out of space on this blog, I will most likely begin
a b...
12 years ago
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