I love my problems! I watched Oprah today (home w/a cold) and it was all about people from middle America were are heroin addicts. I love my problems!
I'm glad I'm feeling better, but I don't want to go back to work. Now that I'm actually able to do more than lay on the couch and blow my fricken nose all day, I can't stay home and enjoy myself :-(
Stock market closed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down today. I lost money today, but seen as I'm not cashing out anytime soon, I guess I'm ok. Am I being naive, or uneducated, cuz, I'm not panicked about the current financial situation. Don't get me wrong, it is VERY BAD, but I don't feel it's the end of the world. I tell you what I do feel, anger. Anger that people who "worked" the market and housing industry to make fast money, people who just want, want, want, want "I want those shoes", "I want that purse", I want that car". Of course they can't afford them, but who cares, "I want it" They charge, charge, charge, charge. Ok, it's hard to pay cash for a car but....do we need the biggest, newest car, with every known bell and whistle? NO! Get a fricken clue people, if you do not have the cash.....DON'T BUY IT! Hum, typical Laura rant.
I feel sorry for the hard working Americans, who have been living w/in their means, and are retired and thanks to all the ya-whose (don't know if I spelt that one right, but...hey, everyone knows I'm the worlds worst speller) who are out there "working the system" to make a fast buck, they're now unable to afford their, fill in the blank: gas, food, housing, whatever.
Hum, I guess that rant wasn't over yet. I think it is now.
How about a much lighter topic? TV! One of my favorite light topics. Lots of new and re-turning shows on this week, and I can't wait. Although it does present a bit of a problem as to which ones to watch and which to tape. And then after taping, when can I find the time to watch them. Like I said at the beginning of this post. I love my problems! They don't involve heroin, foreclosure and things of that nature. Tonight I've got: Heroes, Chuck!, Gossip Girl, Prison Break (almost always a taper and I'm 2 weeks behind already) and Life. My life is so full :-)
I would really love to have a glass of milk w/dinner but....I'm thinking it's a little too close to the 5-day nose blowing festival to be drinking milk :-) Maybe in a couple of days.
*NOTE: This blog is nearly at its end as the 5 GB free space is 88% full.
Which at the time I run out of space on this blog, I will most likely begin
a b...
12 years ago
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