Monday, June 30, 2008

New Camera

Just got word that my new camera was shipped today. Hurry! I need to figure out how to use you before my mom's birthday party on July 19!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Camera

Ok, I finally did it. I got, well ordered, a new camera. Problem is, I waited so damn long to make up my mind that Costco doesn't have the one I want in their version D60 is out, and in stores now :-( I ordered the Nikon D40, w/2 lens. I want it in time for my mother's 70th birthday party on July 19, and it's going to be close. 10 to 15 days for delivery. I've decided I'm going to get it w/in the 10 days, NOT 15 :-) So send your speedy delivery thoughts and intentions out into the universe for me :-)

I need a few days, at least, to figure out how to use the darn thing. Procrastination! Arrrrrgggggg!

I'll keep you posted.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Haagen-Dazs Needs Your Help!

Seriously! Haagen-Dazs needs YOUR help with bees. That's right, bees :-)

As some of you may already be aware of, there is a crisis in the bee population. Massive amount of bee hives are being abandoned, and that means fewer bees, which means fewer bees pollinating plants, that means fewer strawberries, almonds, etc, which means more expensive strawberry ice cream. Hah, no you see how important the bee crisis is my friends.

Everyone knows bees are honey makers but the most important job they perform is pollination. One out of every three bites of food we eat and drink is animal pollinated! And, all kinds of wildlife depend on pollinated plants for food. Read that again: "one out of every 3 bites of food we eat & drink is animal pollinated"! Could sound a little gross, but you know what I mean :-)

Here are a few fun and yes, even sexy facts about bees:

1. -After five days, the Queen's the flight outside of the hive takes place. The queen mates with many drone bees from other colonies and then returns to the hive with enough sperm to successfully lay fertile eggs for many months and years ahead. She does not ever need to mate again and yet she can continue to lay up to 2,000 eggs a day! This is her only job in the hive society.

2. If the hive becomes overcrowded, many of the bees take the queen and leave the hive. This is called swarming. The old hive needs a queen so the bees build queen cells and
feed and nurse the baby Queens inside the cells. When they hatch, they fight and the strongest wins and becomes the new hive queen.

3. Bees have been producing honey for at least 150 million years!

4. Honey bees are the only insects that produce food for humans.

5. Honey bees aren’t native to North America. They were brought from Europe by settlers in the 17th century for their honey (the main sweetener) and for their wax (for candles).

6. Here's an important one: Honey bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of all the foods we eat.

7. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of more than 100 crops, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, providing 80 percent of the country’s pollination services.

8. An average worker bee will only make 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.

What can I do? I'm glad you asked.

1.You can plant or buy bee friendly plants: azaleas, begonias, chrysanthemums (had to copy that spelling ;-)), daisies, gardenias, geraniums, heather, marigolds, mint, orchids, pansies, petunias, roses, snapdragons, sunflowers, and tulips, to name a few.

2. Also, use only pollinator-friendly products in our yards. (I'm going to research this more & see what specifics I can find for us).

3. Buy honey and bee products (bees wax candles) from local growers to help bee owners.

The group, at, is issuing guides for each of 35 eco-regions of the country that can be used by farmers, public-land managers, corporations and consumers for choosing pollinator-friendly plants and practices.

I love honey! I like strawberry ice cream! I don't necessarily love bees, but I sure love what they produce and help produce, so spread the honey and the word: Help Save The Bees!

Deals Await the Flexible Flier

If you're like me, you may be feeling a little depressed about airline fares of late. I keep wanting to go somewhere but with all the reports of airline prices doubling over the past year......

I just read an article with some helpful hints with regard to how to keep your airfare down in these high priced fuel times. Here are a few suggestions:

Act fast. Many airlines are reducing their fleets this year, starting in September, Mr. Harteveldt said, so travelers will compete for fewer seats. "If you see a good price, it's where you want to go, a price you can afford, then don't wait around. Chances are there aren't going to be many seats at that low price," he said.

Rethink your destination. If you have got to get away but prices are hindering you, think about changing your destination. Airfares to New York are up about 23% this summer from last summer, versus a 7% rise on airfares to Seattle, according to Travelocity, based on booking data. Airfares to Rome are up 19%, while airfares to Cancún are up 2%. Airfares to the Bahamas are up 14%, while those to the U.S. Virgin Islands are down almost 3%, according to Travelocity.
I would LOVE to visit NY this Fall but....Seattle sounds good as well. Sorry Anit :-) Also, Jessica, my co-worker, just got back from a wonderful time in Cancun. Great ruins! Hot weather :-(

Plan. Some industry watchers see prices rising higher; others aren't so sure. Still, planning is often a better strategy than waiting. "Half of us know where we want to be for Thanksgiving ... yet most of us wait. If you know right now, book now," said Rudy Maxa, host of the travel show "Rudy Maxa's World" on PBS.

Time your search. Start looking for deals midweek. Airlines often file their weekly Web specials on Tuesdays, said Amy Ziff, editor at large with Travelocity. "As those come online, that availability will be seen Tuesday or Wednesday."

If you're interested in the remaining tips, here's the link:

And you know, for those of us in the Bay Area, we have so many fun, beautiful, educational places to visit and things to do right here in our own backyard. So call me and we'll go do something.....and take BART :-)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cool Picture!

While reading through my friend, Satarupa's, blog (, I came across one of her friend's blog ( with the coolest picture.

You've GOT to see this:

On a happier note...

Check out this cutie pie. Everyone, say "Hi" to Gizmo.

In Memory of Big Grey Cat

In memory of Big Grey Cat, who experienced his ninth life and has now moved onto his tenth, in kitty heaven. He is no longer in pain and discomfort and can have all the food he wants and all the mice he can chase :-) Here's to you, Big Grey Cat!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'd like you to meet Tiger.

A cat who used up one of his lives today. I came home after work, to find him stuck under my neighbors garage door. Just sitting there, with the front part of his body reclining on the driveway, and the back half, hidden inside the garage. I'd gotten out of my car and happen to glance, for whatever reason, to my neighbors house. A lot of cats hang out over there, cuz my neighbors feed a lot of the feral cats in our neighborhood, and I saw Tiger handing out. Something stuck me as odd about the way he was laying. It just didn't look right. So, being the busy-body that I am, I went over to see what was up. HOLY CRAP! The garage door was all the way down on the ground and piercing Tiger's body in half. Of course I couldn't life the door up. I ran to my neighbors front door and started pounding on it. Pounding, and pounding, but no answer. What the hell was I going to do???? How was I going to get Tiger out??? Why weren't my damn neighbors home?? As I ran back across the street to my house, my neighbors came out of their house. The poor people :-), I yelled at them "OPEN YOUR GARAGE DOOR"!!! About 3 times. They must have thought I was bleeping crazy! :-) They didn't know what was going on, and they open their door to a mad-woman yelling at them to do something that didn't make sense to them.

We got to Tiger and his back legs weren't working, so we bundled him up, put him in one of my laundry basket and off to the vet my neighbor and I went. We got there 5 minutes before they closed, took some x-rays and got lucky. There was no damage to his spine, or pelvic bone. The vet said he should be up in walking in a few days, after some needed rest and inactivity.

Tiger is a very friendly cat. He visits my backyard to "share" my outdoor kitty's food all the time. It was because of him that I started putting out 2 bowls of food, so my outdoor cat, Ginger, and Tiger could eat at the same time. Tiger seemed to have figured out my feeding patterns."-) Both my neighbor and I were sooooooooooooooooooo relieved that he was going to make, we gave each other a big hug in the vet's examination room. The feeling of relief and joy was huge....thank god I don't have kids, far to intense emotions there.

Tiger is now convalescing at my neighbors house, and ms thinkm he may not be coming over to "share" my cat food much anymore. I'm not sure my neighbors are ever going to let him out of the house again. We'll see what happens in a couple weeks. I know they're worried about him getting injured again. He's been in a few fights and such, but he's an outdoor cat, and these things happen. I'm not sure he'll be content to live indoors. But that's for another time. Now, our Tiger is getting lots of love and attention and hopefully will be as good as new in the very near future :-)

I'll keep you posted. I just hope he has a number of lives left to live :-)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Katie Couric & Eddie Vedder - Together

Katie & Eddie!? Together? How can that be? Click below for answers:

Same-Sex Marriage Legal in California! WaaaWhoo!

Happy Wedding Day!

Finally same-sex marriages are legal in our state, and may I say, "it's about damn time"! Equal rights for all people. I'm proud of our state! Let's make sure everyone votes against the constitutional amendment this November. Never in our history, state or federal, have we voted discrimination into the constitution. Every single change to the constitution has opened up freedoms, not limited them.

Congratulations to all those that got married today and who will get married in the future. May you have many happy years together, and remember, with the freedom of marriage, could come the freedom of divorce. Ahhh, I couldn't keep it positive could I?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

It's been a good one for me. I've gotten a lot done today: trip to Costco (mainly for cat food, of course I ended up spending $105), Safeway for food for the week, Wally-World for a DVD head cleaner (far too many kids in that place), Orchard Supply to pick up some rocks, pebbles actually, for the space between my pavers, and Petco for kitty litter. I've had a nice dinner, healthy even and now I'm sitting on the couch, watching/listening to the tv and learning what features I can add to my blog (I just added a link to some of my favorite places...look to the left).

Last put NOT least, "My" Nadal wond his first grass court tournament today! Happy Day! Now it's on to Wimbledon, and Roger Federer. Just one thing, please, please, please can we put Novak Djokovic on Roger's side of the draw? Please!

Duce article "The Power & Passion" about Nadal:

I know it's not cool but....

I like the movie 'The Transporter'. I know, I know....but I like it :-) The guy is CUTE (Jason Statham. He played "handsome Rob" in 'The Italian Job'. You don't name a character "handsome Rob", with out being good looking. nice There is a storyline and some smart-ass lines. It even has a cool slow motion fight scene in a hallway. I'm just saying...for it's genre, it's a good movie.

I'll have more movie reviews by Laura in a couple days. I've seen a few movies lately, Netflix, and need to write them up. Some good, some not so good. Ciao :-)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Friday the 13th

Tim Russert dies. I pay my mortgage and quarterly taxes. An expensive day for Laura.....even more so for Tim Russert. Damn, I was having a good day until now.

Tim Russert :-(

Holy Crap-o-la! Tim Russert died today. On the job!!! Wow! I always liked him. I didn't watch his program, but I really liked, what I considered, his "everyman", down to earth style. I'm bummed. At first they reported the cause of death as a heart attack, but now they're saying they don't know for sure.

Here's the link to the article I just read:
Although, I don't think anyone reads my blog just yet, so you'll all have heard the details on the news :-)

Wow! I'm shocked, as I'm sure everyone else is. I have kind of a silly thought, "now he'll never know who gets to be the next president".

Friday, June 6, 2008

Graduation Pictures

I couldn't get the picture of the cake where I wanted it, at the end of my last post, so I'm going to post it here:

Tony & Taylor's Graduation

I'd best post a few graduation pictures. After all, I did take a little over 1,200 pictures that weekend. No, that's not a typo. I took over 1,200 fricken pictures! Can you give me a, "Good Night Irene"!? I'm all for taking a lot of pictures, but that really is ridiculous. I've got to find a way to curtail my multiple picture taking. Is there a photo addicts group? If so, sign me you.

Graduation was nice. Not too long. Not too boring :-). I didn't know a lot of the kids, but Veronica kept saying, "There's Tony's friend so-and-so, get a picture of them". Now that I think about it, I can blame all my pictures on Veronica. Yeah, that could work :-) No, the first step in overcoming an addiction is to acknowledge having a problem. I have a problem.

My sister had a party for the boys at my parent's house on sunday. Weather was great. We had BBQ chicken, salad and a wonderful cake (I had a smallish piece). A good time was had by all. I planned to leave early, around noon, thinking I'd realistically get out of there about 1 pm. Weellllll, I left at 3 pm. :-) I had to take too many damn pictures....I couldn't leave. I got lucky with traffic and got home in 2 hours! There were a lot of cars on the road, but they were all going 70 mph, which made me a very happy girl.

Here's a picture of that cake!

French Open Semis

Well, I was worried about my Nadal against Djokovic (don't you love these guys names). Djokovic has been the best player so far this year and he played Nadal tuff the last time they met. I'm happy and relieved to say that my Nadal beat the pants off him today! The second set was pretty embarrassing for Djokovic, and maybe he needed a little humility :-) Right Anit?

As expected, it's going to be Nadal and Federer in the French Open final on sunday. The worlds #1 & 2, going at it again. They've both been playing very well this French, so it's up for grabs. I still think Nadal has a bit of an edge. He's the #1 player on clay and he's won the French Open the passt 3 years. Having said that, they guy's got to loose sometime. Will this be the year? I hope not. I think it's up to Federer. Can he figure out a way to beat Nadal on sunday? So, don't call me between the hours of 6 am and 9 am, or even later. Yes, I will be getting up at 6 am to watch the final from the very first point. Oh hell, I'll probably even watch the warm up :-) Keep your fingers crossed for my Nadal. I think Anit will be rooting for Federer, and that only makes it more interesting. Look for my post on Sunday where, hopefully, I'll be posting a bit of tennis history, with Nadal winning his 4th straight French Open Final! Fingers crossed!!!