I'm excited, my camera is suppose to arrive tomorrow!!!! Of course I've got the day off, and it's being delivered to the office, but I can make a special trip into the office on my day off for my new camera. I've taken a few days off, and attached them to the 4th of July 3-day weekend. I'm going to use wed/thurs to get some stuff done, ie: tires rotated, oil change, curtains for my 3rd bedroom, working on getting by backyard in order, you know, fun stuff like that. You know, all those things we put off for months...and months...and months...and then, opps, it's been a year :-).
I also plan on seeing the latest Indiana Jones movie tomorrow afternoon. That is if I can keep my hands off my new camera long enough:-) Now I'll be able to practice taking pictures at the 4th of July party. I'll keep you posted and even post some pictures. See if you can tell the difference between cameras.
*NOTE: This blog is nearly at its end as the 5 GB free space is 88% full.
Which at the time I run out of space on this blog, I will most likely begin
a b...
12 years ago